January 2

Happy New Year!

Start the New Year With the Right Attitude

Having the right attitude about school (or anything) gets your brain ready to receive and use the information you are learning. Your teachers want you to have a positive mindset because we want to see you succeed. Remember the steps:

  1. Be serious
  2. Be diligent
  3. Be focused
  4. Be disciplined
  5. Be resilient

A New Beginning

The beginning of a new year provides an opportunity to examine the last year,  to consider the things that happened (both good and bad), new friends made, and personal growth. Thinking back on the previous year can help us determine our motivation for the new one. Many people choose to do this by making resolutions like resolving to eat better and exercise more, learn a new skill, take on a hobby, or endeavor to be kinder to others. Making a resolution is  a great way to set a goal. Unfortunately, resolutions are often pushed to the wayside when they seem too difficult or time consuming or when life steps in and throws an unexpected curve ball. In the interest of starting 2019 off on the right footing,  I am proposing an alternative to making a New Year’s resolution.

One Word

At the beginning of the school year, I shared with you that my word of the year for our class was Wonder. I use a word of the year in my classroom to help focus the direction our lessons and activities take. Instead of setting a resolution (or maybe in addition to it), I want you to choose one word that will bring focus and intention to your 2019. The word you choose can help motivate you to make choices that shape you into the person you want to be this year. Go to Google Classroom and find the One Word assignment to learn more about how to choose your word and what to do with it.

What Word Will Define the Year 2019 For You?

When you have completed the assignment in Google Classroom, I want you to come back to this blog post and create a comment. In your comment tell us what your One Word is and include a link to your completed assignment. As always, please use correct capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. (It will not hurt my feelings if you decide that your New Year’s resolution is to capitalize and punctuate your writing correctly!)